
Adobe CS5即將問世

Adobe的新一代多媒體工具套裝軟體Creative Suite 5(CS5),Photoshop Mac版總算要跟進CS4 Windows版推出64位元版本。

Adobe今(29)日發出新聞稿表示,該公司將於台灣時間4月13日中午,在官方網站上舉辦亞太區的線上發表活動,公佈CS5套裝產品最新的主要功能,包含Photoshop與新推出的CS Live線上服務。Adobe台灣表示,中文版的具體上市日期會在屆時公布,預計在五月底以前。

不過用戶可以從Adobe的活動探出端倪。台灣區的記者會會跟美國同步舉行,但是Adobe預計在5月26日在台舉辦台灣場Adobe CS5亞太區巡迴上市發表會。

上一代CS4生不逢時,正值美國金融危機,企業縮減預算跳過升級,因此CS5的發表,被Adobe寄予厚望,期望能夠帶動用戶從CS3直接升級至CS5。 Adobe 執行長Shantanu Narayen在本月初即表示,CS5將受惠於Windows 7和新一代Mac作業系統帶動的換機潮。

Creative Suitee包含各式多媒體工具:圖形處理Photoshop、向量繪圖Illustrator、網頁動畫Flash、網頁設計Dreamweaver、排版軟體InDesign與剪接軟體Premiere等。去年的銷售占Adobe總營收的58%。


不過外電已經披露了部分CS5的消息,指出Photoshop增加了一項可以讓使用者更快去背的功能。Photoshop Mac版也推出了64位元版本,讓繪圖工具的表現可以跟上處理器的效能。

CS5 實在是很強大耶

Introducing a New Digital Magazine Experience

Adobe officially announced the launch of Adobe Creative Suite 5 ( Adobe CS5 ), coming out on April 12th, 2010!

In about 19 days we will learn all about Adobe’s Creative Suite 5. You can sign up for the unveiling and watch a timer at Adobe’s launch site, Announcing Adobe CS5! Join for the exclusive Global Online Launch Event, Monday, April 12, 2010.
Before you get too excited, let’s get one thing straight: This is the unveiling, or basically an introduction to the public. Adobe is going so far as to call it a “launch” day but you will not be able to buy the software that day. Adobe has not announced a release day yet, but October 2010 makes sense to me (just a guess). This would position Adobe for a strong end to the calendar year, it would give them sufficient time to work on it after the April introduction, and it lines up exactly two years after the release of CS4. That said September/November would make just as much sense, and some rumors are putting the date earlier, noting an 18 month release cycle.