

PHPExcel是強大的 MS Office Excel 文檔生成類庫,基於Microsoft's OpenXML ,支持普通xls,Excel2007,pdf,csv,html等
最新版本為2010-05-31 Release 1.7.3c ,7.1M左右
    Set spreadsheet meta data (author, title, description, ...) 支持文檔屬性設置 Add worksheets to spreadsheet 增加工作表 Add data and formulas to individual cells 填充單元格值 Merge cells 合併單元格 Protect ranges of cells with a password 密碼保護單元格 Supports setting cell width and height 設定例寬和例高 Supports different fonts and font styles 設定字體及樣式 Supports formatting, styles, cell borders, fills, gradients, ... 設定格式,樣式,邊框 Supports hyperlinks 超鏈接格式 Supports different data types for individual cells 獨立的單元格類型 Supports cell text wrapping 單元格折行 Supports conditional formatting 條件格式 Supports column auto-sizing 自適應列寬 Supports rich-text strings 富文本格式 Supports autofilter 自動篩選 Supports "freezing" cell panes 鎖定單元格 Supports cell-level security 單元格級安全 Supports workbook-level security 工作簿級安全 Supports worksheet-level protection 工作表保護 Group rows/columns 分組 Cell data validation 數據驗證 Insert/remove rows/columns 插入/移除行或列 Named ranges 指定範圍 Worksheet references 工作表引用 Calculate formula values 公式計算 Add comments to a cell 單元格註釋 Add images to your spreadsheet 添加圖片 Set image styles 圖片樣式 Positioning 圖片位置 Rotation 圖片角度 Shadow 圖片陰影 Set printing options 打印選項 Header 頁頭 Footer 頁腳 Page margins 頁邊距 Paper size 打印頁大小 Orientation 打印方向 Row and column breaks 行或列換行 Repeat rows at header / columns at left 重複行或列 Print area 區域打印 Output your spreadsheet object to different file formats 多種輸出格式 Excel 2007 (spreadsheetML) BIFF8 (Excel 97 and higher) PHPExcel Serialized Spreadsheet CSV (Comma Separated Values) HTML PDF Read different file formats into your spreadsheet object 讀取多種格式 Excel 2007 (spreadsheetML) BIFF5 (Excel 5.0 / Excel 95), BIFF8 (Excel 97 and higher) PHPExcel Serialized Spreadsheet Excel 2003 XML format Symbolic Link (SYLK) CSV (Comma Separated Values)圖片詳例: